Floods across the UK. Appalling cyclones in the Bahamas, Japan and Mozambique; devastating fires in Siberia and Australia. Ice caps melting, sea levels rising, acidification of the oceans. 25% of mammals under threat of extinction; serious biodiversity loss across the natural world.

What is happening to Planet Earth?

Climate Crisis

Drought in Southern Africa, floods in the UK and Indonesia, and fires in Australia all made the headlines at the start of 2020. Scientists have confirmed that the last decade was the hottest on record. The climate crisis is here. All around the world, especially for the poorest, these changes aren’t just statistics, they’re lost homes, ruined crops and devastated lives.

“We are nowhere near on track to meet the Paris Agreement target,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. “If we do not take urgent climate action now, then we are heading for a temperature increase of more than 3°C by the end of the century, with ever more harmful impacts on human wellbeing,”

Deforestation and soil degradation

“More than 75 percent of Earth’s land areas are substantially degraded, undermining the well-being of 3.2 billion people, according to the world’s first comprehensive, evidence-based assessment. These lands that have either become deserts, are polluted, or have been deforested and converted to agricultural production. These are also the main causes of species extinctions.”

Read this report from National Geographic.

Half of the world's mature forests have so far been cleared for agriculture (e.g. palm oil, animal fodder and cattle grazing ). and can no longer help regulate the climate.

Loss of species and biodiversity

Plant and animal species are rapidly disappearing and biodiversity (the variety of living things) is declining due to land use changes, pollution and climate change. Acidification of the oceans is having a devastating effect on the creatures of the coral reefs, and many other species. 25% of mammals are now under threat of extinction.

Consumer Waste

How we dispose of our waste has huge environmental impacts. Rotting food generates harmful methane gas, yet incinerating waste also causes problems, especially when plastic is burnt.


As well as plastic pollution, we are damaging the world through our farming practices, industrial waste and polluting the air we breathe.

What is the crisis?

Download our PDF summary of the problem.