St Albans Local Organisations

This is where it all started - a gathering of local Christians meeting to review progress our churches have made; for encouragement to carry on; and share ideas, resources and success stories for lightening our environmental footprint while increasing our impact in the community.

Extinction Rebellion St Albans

Extinction Rebellion is a worldwide grassroots organisation of concerned citizens uniting to force governments to recognise and act on climate change and destruction of the biosphere, which threaten all our lives

The St Albans branch (XR_StAlbans) has formed to promote the cause and coordinate local action.

As part of Churches Together in Hertfordshire Churches Together in St Albans (CTSA) aim to promote greater communion and shared witness.

A small Enabling Group is drawn from member of several different churches.

Sustainable St Albans

Sustainable St Albans (SSA) was set-up as a group of ordinary people across St Albans, Harpenden and the villages, to find positive and creative ways to act locally to raise awareness and address the challenges of climate change, live more sustainably and move towards a low-carbon economy. As members of the UK-wide Transition Network, SSA, together with Friends of the Earth (St Albans) organise the annual St Albans Sustainabilty Festival.

Making life better for people and protecting the planet for future generations, concern for the environment unites us and we help the environment by individual actions, by taking action together and by lobbying local, national and international politicians and companies.

We work with Sustainable St Albans to organize the annual St Albans Sustainabilty Festival and with Plastic Free St Albans to try and make St Albans a Plastic Free City.


St Albans District Council

St Albans City and District Council is committed to undertaking its services and operations in the most environmentally sustainable way. We are making sure we embed the principles and practices of sustainability into all aspects of the Council activities. We aim to demonstrate strong performance in managing our own environmental impacts and leadership in influencing others to do the same. 


St Albans Greenpeace

A local group of volunteers who actively promote Greenpeace campaigns.


Other Resources

FreeCycle St Albans