About Us

We are a thriving Anglican (Church of England) church, made up of people of all ages from a wide range of backgrounds and spirituality. We have an active church life with many groups and activities taking place throughout the week.

Not only is there life at St Luke's on a Sunday morning, but all week long. A hub of community activity, the doors of St Luke's are open to a wide range of groups that support and nurture the needs of the neighbourhood. A variety of organisations on both an international and local level call the church building and community home.

Our vision and mission statement

God is at work transforming us into an inclusive community of grace where together we are striving to grow in Christ - a hub from which we go out in His Spirit, sharing His love through generous service, drawing people into a living personal faith, and transforming the world around us.
Our mission is to be people who Bring God’s Grace to Life by...

  • Receiving God’s grace in its fullness
  • Living by God’s grace in community
  • Sharing God’s grace in the world